Florovit long-acting fertiliser for roses and flowering shrubs 100 days
High-quality compound long-acting fertiliser, for all rose varieties and other flowering shrubs. This fertiliser can be used for new plantings, as well as perennial plants.
It ensures intensive growth, abundant flowering and healthy plants. The additional magnesium content makes the flowers look impressive with intense colours throughout the whole season. Slow release of nutrients ensures optimum feeding of plants on daily basis for the period of 100 days (3 months).
Method of application:
Preparing the substrate: 10-20 g/plant. Mix the fertiliser with the soil before planting the plant.
Already growing plants: 30-50g/plant, depending on the age and size of the plant. Sprinkle the fertiliser around the trees and shrubs, It is recommended to slightly mix the fertiliser with the topsoil. Regular watering increases the efficiency of fertilisation.
1 flat tablespoon contains about 15 g of the fertiliser.
Date of application:
Apply once or twice during a season.
Once during a season:
I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII |
Twice during a season:
I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII |

Composition of the fertiliser:
EC FERTILISER NPK (MgO) 13.0 - 11.0 - 16.0 (4.0) fertiliser containing ureaform with iron and manganese.
13.0% (N) total nitrogen; 4.3% (N) ammoniacal nitrogen; 4.7% (N) urea nitrogen; 4.0% (N) nitrogen from ureaform (including 0.6% soluble only in hot water. 2.9% soluble in cold water); 11.0% (P2O5) phosphorus pentoxide soluble in a neutral ammonium citrate and water. 7.1% (P2O5) water-soluble phosphorus pentoxide; 16.0% (K2O) water-soluble potassium oxide; 4.0% (MgO) total magnesium oxide; 0.3% (Fe) total iron; 0.1% (Mn) total manganese
See informative videos:
How to plant roses?
How to grow roses?