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Products Florovit


Florovit wybarwiający do hortensji

Preparat przeznaczony do zmiany barwy kwiatów hortensji ogrodowej. Pod wpływem jego działania odmiany kwitnące na różowo zabarwią się na niebiesko, a odmiany o kwiatach czerwonych zabarwią się na fioletowo.
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Florovit nawóz do zamiokulkasów

Dedykowany jest do nawożenia zamiokulkasów i innych sukulentów. Systematyczne stosowanie zapewnia intensywne wybarwienie liści, zapewnia piękne i bujne rośliny.
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Florovit nawóz do rododendronów

Nawóz przeznaczony do dokarmiania wszystkich rodzajów rododendronów. Systematyczne stosowanie nawozu zapewnia prawidłowy wzrost, długie i obfite kwitnienie roślin.
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Florovit ŻEL do lawendy i innych ziół

Skoncentrowany nawóz zawierający składniki pokarmowe w ilościach i formach dostosowanych do wymagań pokarmowych lawendy i innych ziół, jak lawenda, rozmaryn, tymianek, bazylia, estragon, kolendra, oregano, mięta, szałwia. Może być stosowany zarówno do nawożenia roślin uprawianych w gruncie, jak i w pojemnikach. Skoncentrowana forma żelowa zapewnia ekstra wydajność i łatwe dozowanie.
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Florovit ŻEL do surfinii

Skoncentrowany nawóz mineralny przeznaczony do dokarmiania wszystkich rodzajów surfinii, kaskadii oraz petunii. Systematyczne stosowanie nawozu zapewnia ładne wybarwienie liści i kwiatów oraz obfite kwitnienie roślin. Skoncentrowana forma żelowa zapewnia ekstra wydajność i łatwe dozowanie.
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Florovit ŻEL do storczyków

Nawóz przeznaczony jest do doglebowego dokarmiania wszystkich gatunków i odmian storczyków. Regularne stosowanie nawozu przyspiesza rozwój liści i pąków kwiatowych, zwiększa intensywność wybarwienia, zapewnia długie i obfite kwitnienie. Skoncentrowana forma żelowa zapewnia ekstra wydajność i łatwe dozowanie.
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Florovit ŻEL do roślin kwitnących

Nawóz przeznaczony jest do dokarmiania roślin kwitnących. Systematyczne stosowanie nawozu zapewnia prawidłowy wzrost roślin oraz ich obfite kwitnienie. Skoncentrowana forma żelowa zapewnia ekstra wydajność i łatwe dozowanie.
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Florovit ŻEL do roślin zielonych

Skoncentrowany nawóz mineralny przeznaczony jest do dokarmiania wszystkich rodzajów roślin zielonych ozdobnych z liści (np. fikusy, draceny, szeflery, bluszcze, juki, diffenbachie, filodendrony, krotony). Systematyczne stosowania nawozu zapewnia prawidłowy wzrost roślin i piękne wybarwienie liści. Skoncentrowana forma żelowa zapewnia ekstra wydajność i łatwe dozowanie.
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Florovit ŻEL do pelargonii i innych roślin kwitnących

Skoncentrowany nawóz mineralny przeznaczony do dokarmiania wszystkich rodzajów pelargonii oraz innych roślin balkonowych (np. petunie, fuksje, werbeny, aksamitki, złocienie). Systematyczne stosowanie nawozu zapewnia obfite kwitnienie roślin od wiosny do jesieni . Skoncentrowana forma żelowa zapewnia ekstra wydajność i łatwe dozowanie.
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Florovit ŻEL do kwiatów domowych i balkonowych

Skoncentrowany nawóz mineralny przeznaczony do dokarmiania wszystkich rodzajów kwiatów domowych i balkonowych. Systematyczne stosowanie nawozu zapewnia prawidłowy wzrost oraz ładne wybarwienie roślin. Skoncentrowana forma żelowa zapewnia ekstra wydajność i łatwe dozowanie.
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Florovit nawóz do ogórków i innych roślin dyniowatych

Granulowany, kompleksowy nawóz zawierający składniki pokarmowe w ilościach i formach dostosowanych do wymagań pokarmowych wszystkich odmian ogórków i roślin dyniowatych (takich jak: dynia, cukinia, kabaczek, patison, melon, arbuz, kiwano, tykwa itp.), uprawianych zarówno w gruncie, jak i pod osłonami.
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BIOaktywator do kompostu

Florovit BIOaktywator do kompostu to biopreparat pochodzenia naturalnego, przeznaczony do stosowania w przydomowych kompostownikach. Dzięki zawartości biologicznie aktywnych mikroorganizmów skutecznie przyspiesza proces kompostowania resztek organicznych z domu i ogrodu.
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Florovit mieszanka nasion traw i kwiatów Polna Łąka

To idealny wybór jeśli szukasz sielskiego klimatu lub chcesz część ogrodu zaaranżować na nowo. Dzięki dwóm oddzielnym saszetkom z nasionami kwiatów i nasionami traw, możesz według własnego pomysłu stworzyć łąkę marzeń, kwiecisty zakątek lub łąkową wyspę.
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BIOnawóz do trawników Bezpieczny Trawnik

Florovit BIOnawóz do trawników to ekologiczny, w 100% naturalny, organiczny nawóz, idealny do nawożenia wszystkich rodzajów trawników. Jest bezpieczny w stosowaniu, nie zawiera żadnych dodatków chemicznych. Zawiera wszystkie składniki pokarmowe, które w zrównoważony sposób zasilają trawnik, aby był zdrowy, gęsty i soczyście zielony.
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Florovit Ogród Complex

Nawóz kompleksowy, w którym każda granulka zawiera wszystkie składniki niezbędne dla prawidłowego wzrostu i rozwoju roślin. Nawozy kompleksowe dają pewność równomiernego dostarczania roślinom wszystkich składników pokarmowych.
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Florovit nawóz do roślin cebulowych i bulwiastych

Granulowany, kompleksowy nawóz ogrodniczy do roślin cebulowych i bulwiastych, w którym każda granulka zawiera wszystkie składniki niezbędne dla prawidłowego wzrostu i rozwoju roślin. Nawozy kompleksowe dają pewność równomiernego dostarczania roślinom wszystkich składników pokarmowych.
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Florovit Vital Complex for green plants

Florovit Vital Complex is a modern and ready-to-use preparation intended for exotic plants (e.g. citrus, bonsai, cactus). A specially developed complex of strengthening ingredients improves the vitality and condition of plants, supports the root system and supports their proper development.
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Florovit Vital Complex for flowering plants

Florovit Vital Complex is a modern and ready-to-use preparation intended for exotic plants (e.g. citrus, bonsai, cactus). A specially developed complex of strengthening ingredients improves the vitality and condition of plants, supports the root system and supports their proper development.
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Florovit Vital Complex for orchids

Florovit Vital Complex is a modern and ready-to-use preparation intended for exotic plants (e.g. citrus, bonsai, cactus). A specially developed complex of strengthening ingredients improves the vitality and condition of plants, supports the root system and supports their proper development. Regular use improves the condition of the substrate and positively affects the natural resistance of plan…
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Mikroflora 3w1 nawóz do iglaków

Nawóz granulowany, zawierający naturalne substancje organiczne poprawiające jakość gleby (zwiększa żyzność) oraz substancje mineralne niezbędne dla prawidłowego wzrostu i rozwoju roślin.
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Florovit grass mix - shaded areas

It is the perfect choice if you are looking for grass that creates green, dense and compact turf in more difficult habitat conditions - in areas with less sunlight.
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Florovit grass mix - dry areas

It is the perfect choice if you are looking for grass that will create dense and intensely green turf in more difficult habitat conditions - in sunny areas.
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Florovit sports grass mix

It is the perfect choice if you are looking for grass for intensive use, with juicy green, compact and highly resistant to trampling turf.
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Microflora 3 in 1 lawn fertilizer

Nawóz granulowany, zawierający naturalne substancje organiczne poprawiające jakość gleby (zwiększa żyzność) oraz substancje mineralne niezbędne dla prawidłowego wzrostu i rozwoju roślin.
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Florovit fertiliser spikes for orchids

Fertiliser spikes are specially designed for the requirements of orchids (Phalaenopsis in particular). Balanced set of selected nutrients, adjusted to orchids and their needs, ensures long-lasting and abundant flowering.
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Florovit fertiliser spikes for green plants

Fertiliser spikes ensure a strong and healthy growth. The combination of nutrients is adjusted to the requirements of flowering pot plants. The special set of micro- and macro-elements ensures a long-lasting and even nourishment without the danger related with over-fertilization.
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Florovit fertiliser for garden flowers

Granulated, compound garden fertiliser for garden flowers. Each granule of the fertiliser contains all components essential to ensure the proper growth and development of plants. It guarantees abundant and long flowering, as well as proper (equal) growth of plants.
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Florovit fertiliser for tomatoes and pepper

Granulated, compound garden fertiliser for tomatoes and peppers. It contains nutrients in the amount and form adjusted to the nutritive requirements of all tomato and pepper varieties, both the ones cultivated in the open field and in containers.
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Florovit fertiliser for lawns with moss

Intensively growing grass, mowed several times during the year, takes a large amount of soil nutrients. That is why, in order to achieve a durable and compact turf along with beautiful green grass it is necessary to fertilise the lawn on regular basis from early spring to autumn.
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Florovit fertiliser for lawns RAPID EFFECT

This advanced fertiliser, which due to carefully selected nutrients shall instantly stimulate the rapid grass growth in the spring and makes the grass intensely overgrown. The rapid effect can already be observed within a few days after the application!
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Florovit fertiliser against yellowing leaves

Specialised liquid fertiliser for all indoor, balcony and garden plants. The increased amount of iron in the composition of the fertiliser and its easily absorbed form, it perfectly supplements nutrient deficiency, and hence prevents the yellowing of leaves (chlorosis).
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Florovit fertiliser for surfinias

Concentrated mineral fertiliser dedicated to feeding all types of surfinias, cascades and petunias. Regular application of the fertiliser ensures beautiful colours of both plants and flowers, along with abundant flowering of plants.
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Florovit fertiliser for geraniums

Concentrated mineral fertiliser dedicated to feeding all types of geraniums and other balcony plants (e.g. petunias, fuchsias, verbena, marigolds, chrysanthemums).
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Florovit fertiliser for orchids

Fertiliser dedicated to soil feeding of all varieties and types of orchids. Regular application of the fertiliser boosts the growth of leaves and flower buds, it increases the intense colouring, ensures long and abundant flowering, as well as stimulates repeated blooming
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Florovit universal fertiliser

Compound and concentrated garden fertiliser, totally soluble in water, dedicated to foliar and soil fertilisation of plants in gardening, in open-field cultivation, in allotment gardens, as well as in growing ornamental plants, both in the ground and in pots.
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Florovit fertiliser for coniferous plants

Florovit for coniferous plants contains mineral elements in amounts reflecting the requirements of ornamental coniferous plants, such as yew, larch, cypress, spruce, pine, fir and others. Regular application ensures beautiful appearance and intense growth of the fertilised plants, as well as reduces discoloration of needles during the winter period.
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Florovit pro natura organic-mineral fertiliser for geraniums

Due to natural humic substances included in this fertiliser, as well as due to the influence it poses on soil and plants, Florovit pro natura for geraniums resembles a compost or a manure. Humic substances stimulate a better growth and development of roots, as well as effective uptake of water and nutrients from the ground.
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Florovit fertiliser against browning of needles

The most frequent cause resulting in the death of coniferous trees lies in the shortage of nutrients. Within a certain period of time following the planting, the needles start changing their colours to light green, then to yellow, and finally the needles turn brown and the tree drops its needles and dies.
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Florovit fertiliser for coniferous plants

Concentrated fertiliser for coniferous plants for soil fertilisation of coniferous trees and shrubs. Regular fertilisation ensures intense growth of plants, as well as beautiful colours of needles.
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Florovit fertiliser for roses and other flowering plants

Florovit for roses is a fertiliser with high content of mineral elements in forms adjusted to meet the requirements of roses. Applying Florovit supports intense growth of shrubs, stimulates the eruption of offshoots, ensures intense colouring of leaves and flowers.
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Florovit fertiliser for green plants

Concentrated mineral fertiliser, for feeding all types of green plants with ornamental leaves (such as ficus, dracaena, schefflera, ivy, yucca, dieffenbachia, philodendron, croton). Regular application of this fertiliser ensures proper growth of plants, as well as beautiful colours of leaves.
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Florovit liquid fertiliser for tomatoes and pepper

Adjusted to the nutritive requirements of all tomato and pepper varieties. It provides comprehensible nourishment for plants, which supports their growth, ensures healthy and tasty fruits, as well as increases their resistance to unfavourable conditions.
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Florovit pro natura granulated poultry manure

100% natural fertiliser of animal origin. Due to modern processing and purifying technology this manure retains all humic substances, as well as nutrients and minerals, and at the same time it is free of any pathogens and weed seeds.
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Florovit pro natura granulated cattle manure

100% natural fertiliser of animal origin. Due to modern processing and purifying technology this manure retains all humic substances, as well as nutrients and minerals, and at the same time it is free of any pathogens and weed seeds.
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Florovit pro natura granulated horse manure

100% naturalny nawóz organiczny do roślin ogrodowych. Dzięki nowoczesnej technologii przetwarzania i oczyszczania obornik zachowuje wszystkie substancje próchnicze, odżywcze i mineralne, a jednocześnie pozbawiony jest patogenów oraz nasion chwastów.
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Florovit orchid regenerator

Due to hydrating leaves the fertiliser strengthens plants, stimulates plants to proper growth and development, as well as ensures intense colour of leaves and flowers.
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Florovit long-acting fertiliser for lawns 100 days

Fertilizer suitable for all types of lawns – both the ornamental ones and the intensely used. It is perfect both for planting new lawns, as well as perennial lawns. The product is only used 1-2 times during the whole season. One package (a 4 kg bucket) is sufficient for 200 m2 of the lawn.
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Florovit autumn universal fertiliser

Fertiliser for sprinkled fertilisation of perennial plants, as well as for preparing the substrate for the next year's sowing and planting. Properly balanced nutrients facilitate an optimal preparation of plants for the winter period.
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Florovit autumn fertiliser for lawns

Intensely growing grass, mowed multiple times during the year, uptakes considerable amounts of nutrients from the soil. That is why, in order to have a lasting, dense turf along with beautiful greenness of the grass, it is crucial to ensure regular fertilisation of lawns, starting in the early spring and ending in autumn.
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Florovit autumn fertiliser for coniferous plants

Fertiliser for sprinkled fertilisation of coniferous trees and shrubs in order to prepare them for the winter period. Properly selected nutrients included in the fertiliser support the lignification mechanisms and this protects conifers from freezing.
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Florovit autumn fertiliser for conifers

Fertiliser tailored to meet the nutritional requirements of coniferous trees and shrubs (yew, hemlock, cypress, bald, Douglas fir, juniper, fir, pine, metasequoia, larch, spruce, thuja, etc.).
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Florovit fertiliser for roses and other flowering plants

Fertiliser dedicated to foliar and soil feeding of roses and other flowering plants growing in the ground or in containers. Regular application of the fertiliser accelerates the development of flower buds, as well as enhances the intense colours of leaves and flowers.
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Florovit fertiliser for daturas (devil's trumpets)

Fertiliser for soil feeding of all varieties of daturas (devil's trumpets). Regular application of this fertiliser accelerates the development of flower buds, enhances the intense colours of leaves and flowers, as well as ensures abundant flowering.
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Florovit fertiliser for hydrangeas

Concentrated mineral fertiliser, dedicated to feeding all types of hydrangea. Regular application of this fertiliser ensures abundant and long flowering, as well as beautiful colours of plants.
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Florovit regenerator for plants

Florovit regenerator is particularly recommended in the following situations: repotting, slow growth, poor appearance, poor flowering, not very intense colours, along with damage of leaves, stems or roots.
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Florovit Vital Complex for exotic plants

Florovit Vital Complex is a modern and ready-to-use preparation intended for exotic plants (e.g. citrus, bonsai, cactus). A specially developed complex of strengthening ingredients improves the vitality and condition of plants, supports the root system and supports their proper development.
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Florovit Mikroflora 3in1

Florovit Mikroflora (3in1) is a compound fertiliser, combining the activity of granulated lime, humic acids along with useful microorganisms. The 3in1 formula ensures synergy between the activity of individual components, which affect the soil.
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Florovit acidifying fertiliser

Efficiently acidifies the substrate (lowers the pH) and at the same time ensures proper conditions for the growth of acidophilic plants. Using the fertiliser supports the uptake of nutrients present in soil by plants. When using the acidifying fertiliser, you will ensure a proper growth and development of acidophilic plants.
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Pinivit is a concentrated, compound, liquid fertiliser, totally soluble in water, for foliar fertilisation of coniferous plants.
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Florovit autumn fertiliser for evergreen plants

This fertiliser is adjusted to meet the nutritional requirements of evergreen plants of the genus: barberry, ivy, boxwood, cherry laurel, lavender, mahonia, euonymus, pyracantha coccinea, holly, rhododendron, azalea, heather, erica, etc. during the summer and autumn period.
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Florovit ground dolomite

Ground dolomite is a typical fertilizer applied to soil prior to sowing, recommended for soils characterised by magnesium deficiency. Magnesium facilitates the absorption of phosphorus by plants and affects numerous metabolic processes.
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Florovit fertiliser for acidophilic plants

Fertiliser adjusted to nutritional requirements of acidophilic plants, such as blueberries, rhododendrons, ericaceous plants, etc. Properly selected components provide plants with nutrients, and also acidify the soil.
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Florovit autumn-winter fertiliser for home plants

This fertiliser is designed to meet nutritional requirements of home flowers during the autumn and winter period. Regular application of the fertiliser ensures proper wintering of plants, prevents the outcomes of sunlight deficit, as well as adverse influence of the dry air.
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Florovit fertiliser for cactuses and succulents

Concentrated mineral fertiliser, for feeding all types of cactuses and succulents. Regular application of this fertiliser stimulates proper growth and flowering process, as well as ensures healthy appearance of plants.
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Florovit fertiliser for ferns

Concentrated mineral fertiliser, for feeding all types of ferns. Regular application of this fertiliser ensures proper growth, as well as healthy appearance of plants.
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Florovit lime for fertilisation

About 70% of arable land in Poland can be described as acidic soils or highly acidic soils. Lowering pH of the soil (soil acidification) is a natural process, among others, caused by calcium leaching into the soil profile.
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