Florovit long-acting fertiliser for lawns 100 days
Fertilizer suitable for all types of lawns – both the ornamental ones and the intensely used. It is perfect both for planting new lawns, as well as perennial lawns. The product is only used 1-2 times during the whole season. One package (a 4 kg bucket) is sufficient for 200 m2 of the lawn.
In order to have a beautiful lawn in autumn and a lawn that is well prepared for winter use Florovit Autumn fertiliser for lawns >>
Method of application:
Starting a lawn
In spring (April-June), before sowing the grass, sprinkle the fertiliser evenly on the surface, applying 150 g/m2. Mix it with the soil of up to a 10-20 cm thickness, and then sow the grass and water thoroughly. Repeated fertilisation may be performed after 3 months, using fertilisers for the given time of the year.
Perennial lawns
Sprinkle the fertiliser evenly on the surface of the lawn, preferably with a seeder and after mowing the grass. Use a single dose of 20-35g/m2 between March and the end of June, maintaining a 3-month interval between procedures. Fertilisation should be performed 2 times during a season, namely in March/April and then in June.
Maintaining proper moisture content of the soil improves the activity of the fertiliser and the appearance of the lawn.
1 tablespoon contains ~ 15 g of the fertiliser
Date of application:
Once during a season:
I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII |
Twice during a season:
I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII |

Composition of the fertiliser:
EC FERTILISER NPK (mGo) 20.0 - 8.0 - 9.0 (3.5) fertiliser containing ureaform, with iron.
20.0% (N) total nitrogen; 4.4% (N) nitrate nitrogen; 9.6% (N) ammoniacal nitrogen; 6.0% (N) nitrogen from ureaform (including 0.9% soluble only in hot water, 4.3% soluble in cold water); 8.0% (P2O5) phosphorus pentoxide soluble in a neutral ammonium citrate and water; 5.8% (P2O5) water-soluble phosphorus pentoxide; 9.0% (K2O) water-soluble potassium oxide; 3.5% (MgO) total magnesium oxide; 0.14% (Fe) total iron.
See informative videos:
How to fertilise your lawn in spring?
Fertilising the lawn with Florovit