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Products Florovit


Microflora 3 in 1 lawn fertilizer

Nawóz granulowany, zawierający naturalne substancje organiczne poprawiające jakość gleby (zwiększa żyzność) oraz substancje mineralne niezbędne dla prawidłowego wzrostu i rozwoju roślin.
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Florovit fertiliser spikes for orchids

Fertiliser spikes are specially designed for the requirements of orchids (Phalaenopsis in particular). Balanced set of selected nutrients, adjusted to orchids and their needs, ensures long-lasting and abundant flowering.
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Florovit fertiliser spikes for green plants

Fertiliser spikes ensure a strong and healthy growth. The combination of nutrients is adjusted to the requirements of flowering pot plants. The special set of micro- and macro-elements ensures a long-lasting and even nourishment without the danger related with over-fertilization.
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Florovit fertiliser for garden flowers

Granulated, compound garden fertiliser for garden flowers. Each granule of the fertiliser contains all components essential to ensure the proper growth and development of plants. It guarantees abundant and long flowering, as well as proper (equal) growth of plants.
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