Przeznaczenie produktu

Products Florovit

Florovit fertiliser for geraniums

Concentrated mineral fertiliser dedicated to feeding all types of geraniums and other balcony plants (e.g. petunias, fuchsias, verbena, marigolds, chrysanthemums).
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Florovit fertiliser for orchids

Fertiliser dedicated to soil feeding of all varieties and types of orchids. Regular application of the fertiliser boosts the growth of leaves and flower buds, it increases the intense colouring, ensures long and abundant flowering, as well as stimulates repeated blooming
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Florovit universal fertiliser

Compound and concentrated garden fertiliser, totally soluble in water, dedicated to foliar and soil fertilisation of plants in gardening, in open-field cultivation, in allotment gardens, as well as in growing ornamental plants, both in the ground and in pots.
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Florovit fertiliser for coniferous plants

Florovit for coniferous plants contains mineral elements in amounts reflecting the requirements of ornamental coniferous plants, such as yew, larch, cypress, spruce, pine, fir and others. Regular application ensures beautiful appearance and intense growth of the fertilised plants, as well as reduces discoloration of needles during the winter period.
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