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Products Florovit


Florovit fertiliser for roses and other flowering plants

Florovit for roses is a fertiliser with high content of mineral elements in forms adjusted to meet the requirements of roses. Applying Florovit supports intense growth of shrubs, stimulates the eruption of offshoots, ensures intense colouring of leaves and flowers.
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Florovit fertiliser for green plants

Concentrated mineral fertiliser, for feeding all types of green plants with ornamental leaves (such as ficus, dracaena, schefflera, ivy, yucca, dieffenbachia, philodendron, croton). Regular application of this fertiliser ensures proper growth of plants, as well as beautiful colours of leaves.
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Florovit liquid fertiliser for tomatoes and pepper

Adjusted to the nutritive requirements of all tomato and pepper varieties. It provides comprehensible nourishment for plants, which supports their growth, ensures healthy and tasty fruits, as well as increases their resistance to unfavourable conditions.
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