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Products Florovit


Florovit pro natura organic-mineral fertiliser for geraniums

Due to natural humic substances included in this fertiliser, as well as due to the influence it poses on soil and plants, Florovit pro natura for geraniums resembles a compost or a manure. Humic substances stimulate a better growth and development of roots, as well as effective uptake of water and nutrients from the ground.
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Florovit fertiliser against browning of needles

The most frequent cause resulting in the death of coniferous trees lies in the shortage of nutrients. Within a certain period of time following the planting, the needles start changing their colours to light green, then to yellow, and finally the needles turn brown and the tree drops its needles and dies.
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Florovit fertiliser for coniferous plants

Concentrated fertiliser for coniferous plants for soil fertilisation of coniferous trees and shrubs. Regular fertilisation ensures intense growth of plants, as well as beautiful colours of needles.
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