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Products Florovit


Florovit orchid regenerator

Due to hydrating leaves the fertiliser strengthens plants, stimulates plants to proper growth and development, as well as ensures intense colour of leaves and flowers.
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Florovit long-acting fertiliser for lawns 100 days

Fertilizer suitable for all types of lawns – both the ornamental ones and the intensely used. It is perfect both for planting new lawns, as well as perennial lawns. The product is only used 1-2 times during the whole season. One package (a 4 kg bucket) is sufficient for 200 m2 of the lawn.
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Florovit autumn universal fertiliser

Fertiliser for sprinkled fertilisation of perennial plants, as well as for preparing the substrate for the next year's sowing and planting. Properly balanced nutrients facilitate an optimal preparation of plants for the winter period.
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Florovit autumn fertiliser for lawns

Intensely growing grass, mowed multiple times during the year, uptakes considerable amounts of nutrients from the soil. That is why, in order to have a lasting, dense turf along with beautiful greenness of the grass, it is crucial to ensure regular fertilisation of lawns, starting in the early spring and ending in autumn.
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