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Products Florovit


Florovit autumn fertiliser for coniferous plants

Fertiliser for sprinkled fertilisation of coniferous trees and shrubs in order to prepare them for the winter period. Properly selected nutrients included in the fertiliser support the lignification mechanisms and this protects conifers from freezing.
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Florovit autumn fertiliser for conifers

Fertiliser tailored to meet the nutritional requirements of coniferous trees and shrubs (yew, hemlock, cypress, bald, Douglas fir, juniper, fir, pine, metasequoia, larch, spruce, thuja, etc.).
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Florovit fertiliser for roses and other flowering plants

Fertiliser dedicated to foliar and soil feeding of roses and other flowering plants growing in the ground or in containers. Regular application of the fertiliser accelerates the development of flower buds, as well as enhances the intense colours of leaves and flowers.
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Florovit fertiliser for daturas (devil's trumpets)

Fertiliser for soil feeding of all varieties of daturas (devil's trumpets). Regular application of this fertiliser accelerates the development of flower buds, enhances the intense colours of leaves and flowers, as well as ensures abundant flowering.
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Florovit fertiliser for hydrangeas

Concentrated mineral fertiliser, dedicated to feeding all types of hydrangea. Regular application of this fertiliser ensures abundant and long flowering, as well as beautiful colours of plants.
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